ما اجازه نمی‌دهیم کیفیت فنا‌پذیری حیات بی‌معنا جلوه کند و روایت محصول این امتناع است. محصول پافشاری لجوجانه ما بر معنا بخشیدن به جهان و زندگی‌مان.

Monday, May 04, 2015

June 7th - June 9th, 2015
In cooperation of the University of Iceland, Association of Philosophy Teachers and Practical Philosophy Inc.
This course is intended for teacher at all levels, and anyone interested in the field. The course creates a venue where participants exchange ideas and develop their teaching skills. No prior training is required, only an open mind and an interest in critical and creative dialogue. The teachers share their experiences in teaching philosophy and introduce a variety of methods. Participants will have an opportunity to share their own approaches to philosophical practice with the group, and get a chance to develop them further. Many Icelandic philosophy teachers have taken courses with Oscar Brenifier and Isabelle Millon in France, and all agree that it was a profound experience. The course is an opportunity for self reflection and personal and professional empowerment.
The subjects covered in the course are: the art of asking; obstacles in philosophical dialogue; defining problems and concepts; how do people think together; using philosophical tools for evaluation; thoughts and feelings; developing self awareness through philosophical dialogue; evaluating arguments and logical thought, and philosophical exercises in the classroom.
What you get out of the course: Skill in analyzing philosophical problems through dialogue; guidelines in moderating discussion, and how discussions are used as teaching method. The discussion method used in the course demands self-examination of the participants and humility towards the subject and procedure. Brenifier and Millon‘s courses have proved empowering to a large number of people, and valuable for their teaching.
Teachers: Isabelle Millon og Oscar Brenifier
Facilities of the University of Iceland
Endurmenntun Háskóla Íslands,
Dunhaga 7,
107 Reykjavik - Iceland
Price: EUR 250
Further informations and assistance regarding accomodation:
Ingimar WAAGE: ingimar@gardaskoli.is

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